Commodity-wise bullet2.gif (1653

blueglobe.jpg (46550 bytes)

bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Commodity-wise
Principal Commodity wise all HSCode bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Principal commodity wise all HSCode
Commodity-wise all Countries bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Commodity-wise all Countries
Country-wise bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Country-wise
Country-wise all Commodities bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Country-wise all Commodities
Country-wise Principal Commodity wise all HSCode bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Country-wise Principal commodity wise all HSCode
Region-wise bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Region-wise
Region-wise all Countries bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Region-wise all Countries
Region-wise all Commodities bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Region-wise all Commodities
Predefined Group of Countries bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Predefined Group of Countries
Customised Group of Countries bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) bullet2.gif (1653
    bytes) Customised Group of Countries

Data available:Jan 2006 to Nov 2024 ((R) Revised Final upto March  2024, (F) Final upto November  2024)

Data last updated on: 21/01/2025

Visitor (since 12/01/2024): 68093609

Feedbacks/ Suggestions

Data Source : DGCI&S, Kolkata

NOTE: 1. India`s Imports/Exports include re-imports/re-exports also.
2. Imports/Exports from unspecified country includes
(a) Trade transactions where country of origin/consignment/destination is not specified or invalid country codes have been assigned in the customs declaration.
(b) All re-imported/re-exported transactions which fulfill condition (a) above.
(c)Quantity is shown as "quantity in thousands" means figures shows in x1000 irrespective of unit name eg.
      1. if figure is 1000 and unit is ton then it means figure is1000000 ton.
      2. if figure is 1000 and unit is kgs then it means figure is1000000 kgs.
      3. if figure is 1000 and unit is mtr then it means figure is1000000 mtr.

The data refrenced in the system do not have any legal sancity and is for general refrence only.
The user may like to verify official publications for DGCI&S, Kolkata for any further refrence