Exports |
Imports |
Total Trade | |||||
Country-wise | |||||
Top n countries | |||||
Data available 1996-1997 to 2024-2025(Apr-Nov) | Last data updated on 21/01/2025 | Visitor (since 11/01/2024): 9501145 | Feedback : itcell-doc[at]gov[dot]in Help | Data Source : DGCI&S, Kolkata |
NOTE: | 1. India’s Imports/Exports include re-imports/re-exports also. |
2. Imports/Exports from unspecified country includes (a) Trade transactions where country of origin/consignment/destination is not specified or invalid country codes have been assigned in the customs declaration. (b) All re-imported/re-exported transactions which fulfill condition (a) above. |
3. Trade figures in US$ from the year 2006-07 onwards are addition of monthly US$ figures. | |
4. Where periods are not mentioned with year, it is yearly data from April to March e.g. 2012-2013 means Apr'2012 to Mar'2013 5.Quantity is shown as "quantity in thousands" means figures shows in x1000 irrespective of unit name eg. 1. if figure is 1000 and unit is ton then it means figure is1000000 ton. 2. if figure is 1000 and unit is kgs then it means figure is1000000 kgs. 3. if figure is 1000 and unit is mtr then it means figure is1000000 mtr. |